Well, I was thinking a while ago... "Duff you do a lot of cooking and though some of it is old standbys alot of it is new stuff or modified stuff. It would be nice to actually put some of those recipes into a book." At this point I started looking into a recipe book to put this stuff into and came up mostly disappointed. There did not seem to be much. I saw recipe card holders and spiral bound notebooks that may work but were not really the thing I was looking for. I could have gone for a 3-ring binder and a set of Avery sleeves but there had to be something more suited to what I was looking for.
First off I needed something to collect the recipes that I print out but have not been made because I run across tons of stuff as I am looking for something else. Allrecipes.com and Kraft.com are great sites for ideas. Honestly, not everything made was going into the book. It was just the stuff that was worthy of being made again. Well, new print outs need a pocket and after they were made and found delicious then they were to be added in some orderly fashion. So that meant some dividers for entrees, soups, appetizers, etc. Let be honest though I am a one dish meal kind of guy so most of it was going to be entree. On top of it I was looking for some recipe cards. Something that has a place for: ingredients, instructions, modifications, etc.
Well this seemed like a tall order for one device and at one point I was hitting a wall. I searched the book stores and stayed away from the cooking stores. I googled stuff like "diy cookbook" and still nothing.
So when Rae asked me what I wanted for Christmas I told her. She is such a sweet girl and she asked Santa for me. Like I said it is awesome. Look inside the "Cath Kidston Recipe Organizer."
Well, I got it and have already started with putting some recipes into the book as you can see. Along with this new book of mine I hope to present some of my recipes and creations here. I plan to include even the formulas that may not make the book. It will be an interesting ride.
Of course if you try any of this stuff please let me know your thoughts and if you have any recipes that you think I should try pass them along. (Simple recipes are best since I have to cook around Rae's swim team practice, girl scouts, and my running) Nutrition is a good thing to consider as well.
On a side note: I know the flowers are a little girly but I do not believe the publishers of the recipe organizer had guys in mind. If I find a camouflage pocket I will get it in there. Till then some of my guitar hero stickers may have to be applied.
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